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Alexander Kubica, Arbel Haim, Yotam Vaknin, Fernando Brandau, Alex Retzker

"Erasure qubits: Overcoming the T1 limit in superconducting circuit"

arXiv:2208.05461 (2022)


Changnan Peng, Arbel Haim, Torsten Karzig, Yang Peng, Gil Refael

"Floquet Majorana bound states in voltage-biased planar Josephson junctions"

Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023108 (2021)


Arbel Haim, Richard Kueng, Gil Refael,

"Variational-correlations approach to quantum many-body problems",

arXiv:2001.06510 (2020)


Swati ChaudharyArbel HaimYang PengGil Refael,

"Phonon-induced Floquet second-order topological phases protected by space-time symmetries",

Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043431


Arbel Haim,

"Spontaneous Josephson π junctions with topological superconductors",

Phys. Rev. B 100, 064505 (2019)


Arbel Haim, Roni Ilan, Jason Alicea

"Quantum anomalous parity Hall effect in magnetically disordered topological insulator films",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 046801 (2019)


Arbel Haim, ​Ady Stern,

"Benefits of weak disorder in one-dimensional topological superconductors",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 126801 (2019)


Arbel Haim, ​Yuval Oreg,

"Time-reversal-invariant topological superconductivity in one and two dimensions" (Review paper),

Physics Reports, 825 1-48, (2019)


Eran Sagi, Arbel Haim, Erez Berg, Felix von Oppen, ​Yuval Oreg,

"Fractional chiral superconductors",

Phys. Rev. B 96 235144 (2017)


Yoav Levine, Arbel Haim, ​Yuval Oreg,

"Realizing topological superconductivity with superlattices",

Phys. Rev. B 96 165147 (2017)


Arbel Haim, Erez Berg, Karsten Flensberg, ​Yuval Oreg,

"No-go theorem for a time-reversal invariant topological phase in noninteracting systems coupled to conventional superconductors",

Phys. Rev. B 94 161110(R) (2016)​


Arbel Haim, Konrad Wölms, Erez Berg, Yuval Oreg, Karsten Flensberg,

"Interaction-driven topological superconductivity in one dimension",

Phys. Rev. B 94 115124 (2016)


Yuval Ronen, Yonatan Cohen, Jung-Hyun Kang, Arbel Haim, Maria-Theresa Rieder, Moty Heiblum, Hadas Shtrikman,

"Charge of a quasiparticle in a superconductor",

PNAS 113 1743-1748 (2016)​


Arbel Haim, Erez Berg, Felix von Oppen, Yuval Oreg,

"Current correlations in a Majorana beam splitter",

Phys. Rev. B 92 245112 (2015)


Arbel Haim, Erez Berg, Felix von Oppen, Yuval Oreg,

"Signatures of Majorana zero modes in spin-resolved current correlations",

Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 166406 (2015)


Gilad Ben-Shach, Arbel Haim, Ian Appelbaum, Yuval Oreg, Amir Yacoby, Bertrand I Halperin,

"Detecting Majoranas in 1D wires by charge sensing",

Phys. Rev. B 91 045403 (2015)


Arbel Haim, Anna Keselman, Erez Berg, Yuval Oreg,

"Time-reversal invariant topological superconductivity induced by repulsive interactions in quantum wires",

Phys. Rev. B 89 220504(R) (2014)


Ion C Fulga, Arbel Haim, Anton R Akhmerov, Yuval Oreg,

"Adaptive tuning of Majorana fermions in a quantum dot chain",

New J. Phys. 15 045020 (2013)


Arbel Haim, Shimshon Bar-Ad, Amnon Azoulay,

"Elastic characterization of Au thin films utilizing laser-induced acoustic Rayleigh waves",

J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 278, 012005 (2011)

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